The County of Orange Confined Space Inspection Team is responsible for physically entering and inspecting all the underground county flood facilities, from 36" storm drainpipes up to 14'x14' concrete boxes. Confined space also inspects all the newly constructed storm drain systems in new developed tracts throughout the un-incorporated area of the County of Orange. We also have drain cleaning crews who clean and inventory all the catch basins in County right of way once a year.
The Confined Space Team also has a video camera that inspects and videos all storm drains and pipes that are 36" down to 8" that cannot physically be entered.
Other facilities that we inspect are:
- Bridge Corridors
- Utility Vaults & Equipment Pits
- Any confined spaces with machinery, or equipment, that could harm workers if suddenly turned on: (Such as Dams & Pump Stations)

A confined space means a space that has all the following characteristics:
- Is large enough and configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work.
- Has limited or restricted means of entry or exit.
- Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.
Work performed in confined spaces and/or work requiring the wearing and use of respiratory equipment is regulated by The California General Industry Safety Order:
Article 108, Section 5144 govern respiratory protection, and sections 5156 - 5158 govern work in confined space. (These are enforced by Cal/OSHA).
This program policy, along with our rescue training was developed by the OC Public Works/ Operations & Maintenance Confined Space Team for County employees & private contractors with critical information about these regulations to insure their safety whenever engaged in confined space operations within County facilities.

All identified Confined Spaces for the County of Orange and the Flood Control District, as well as other outside agencies when requested, is considered as "Permit-Required Confined Space," and require a supervisor's authorization before entry and full compliance of the Permit-Required Confined Space Inspection Program, unless the space has been de-classified to a non-permit confined space.