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Pump Stations Maintenance

Flood control is provided by a system of levees, channels and storm drains. All stormwater runoff is conveyed by gravity through a system of drainage lines and canals into the suction bays of various pump stations then pumped to a higher elevation into larger levees or the ocean. The pump station operators are responsible for the operation and maintenance of 8 pump stations, 4 dams, 5 urban run-off diversions, containing 46 pumps  throughout the Orange County watershed area. The primary goal of the group is to provide staffing for operations and maintenance of all pumping equipment and associated machinery.
All pumping equipment is driven by either natural gas combustion engines with propane back-up or electric motor drives. Some pump stations are now monitored using SCADA, which stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA systems interface with District computers to alert staff of operational problems. The technology saves time money by pinpointing malfunctions and minimizing staff time to shut off general alarms for non-critical situations.

Rossmoor Pump Station

Located in Long Beach, this site contains four 54 inch vertical pumps powered by Waukesha's 920 hp V12 natural gas engines which are capable of pumping a total of 293,000 gallons per minute.

Southpark Pump Station

located in Fountain Valley, it is a similar station containing three 56 inch vertical pumps that move the water vertically 28 feet and laterally a quarter mile to the Santa Ana River. Southpark pump station is designed to house a total five vertical pump each capable of pumping 83,000 gallons per minute for a total of 415,000 gallons per minute.

Haster Pump Station

Located in Garden Grove, it houses three vertical pumps driven by natural gas engines, each capable of pumping 68,800 gallons per minute for a total of 206,463 gallons per minute.