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If you are in an emergency or disaster-related situation and need immediate assistance, please call 9-1-1.
The OC Storm Center provides information regarding road closures, rainfall data, and other storm related information in unincorporated areas of Orange County. Content is subject to change and provided for informational purposes only.
This site is maintained by the OC Public Works, Department Operations Center (DOC) and OC Watersheds to provide up-to-date road and flood conditions. DOC may be activated in the event of hazardous weather conditions or other emergency events. Under most circumstances we can only respond to situations or concerns involving County maintained roads or flood control channels.
To report problems with a County road or flood control channel during an active event, please call: phone (714) 955-0333.
During non-emergency conditions, please report maintenance issues or concerns by submitting a service request at You may also contact the OC Public Works, OC Operations & Maintenance main office at:
phone (714) 955-0200
Resources to help you prepare for post-fire debris, flood and erosion control.
Sandbag Requests
Each year from October 1 to April 30 residents living in Orange County can obtain up to 50 free EMPTY sandbags for the protection of their home from rain and mud. Contractors or commercial entities are not permitted. Sandbags are available at 2301 N. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92865, or at seasonal staging locations (subject to conditions).
For more information on sandbags, please contact the OC Public Works, OC Operations & Maintenance main office at (714) 955-0200. Sandbags can also be purchased through home centers and other vendors.
picture_as_pdf Download our Sandbag Manual here.
Fire Assistance
If your property has been damaged in a State declared emergency, please visit the Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) websites to determine if you are eligible for disaster assistance.