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Fence Maintenance

The maintained road system within the unincorporated County of Orange is compromised of 340 miles of road. There are many private streets within the unincorporated portions of the County; these streets are not a part of the County road system. If you are within a private community where you are paying association fees, your homeowner's association arranges and performs your road maintenance.

If you are not sure whether you are within the unincorporated County maintained road system, please refer to our listing of maintained streets on County unincorporated properties and roads in the effort to maintain the designed function and capacities required to ensure proper operation and safety of the public. 

Services Include

  • Right of way trimming
  • Fence installation and repairs
  • Trash and debris removal
  • Homeless encampment mitigation (County Properties only)
  • Clearing and cleaning of trees, brush, and other vegetation in County flood control waterways

Trades Section

The County of Orange, Operations and Maintenance, Welding Staff perform the fabrication of new and the repair of existing structural components that are utilized in the County Pump Stations, various equipment, flood control facilities, and County Right of Ways. Multiple processes are used, such as SMAW, GTAW, GMAG, Plasma, and Oxy-Acetylene cutting in the performance of the fabrication and repair tasks. Services include:

  • Fabrication and installation of new equipment and parts
  • Repair of existing equipment and parts
  • Perform County Fleet Vehicle and Heavy Equipment repairs